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Cares Act

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

As of this writing, Congress has passed the CARES Act coronavirus stimulus package and the President is expected to sign it into law later today.

Many of you have called or written asking for information about what you should expect to receive in unemployment benefits, stimulus payments and loan aid. Click here for a summary of the act. I think you will find that this summary answers most of your questions. However, if you have further questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us.

We continue to voluntarily comply with the Governor of MA order for non-essential businesses to close their brick and mortar operations and work remotely. We are doing our best to shift to working remotely and to process work as quickly as we can. Unless the Governor’s order is extended, we expect to open the office on a limited basis at noon on Tuesday, April 7th. We appreciate your patience as we work to catch up with our backlog and answer your request for help and additional information.

We will continue to monitor developments and we will send you updates as quickly as we can upon receiving solid actionable information.

We look forward to when this coronavirus crisis has passed and we can get on with our normal lives. Meanwhile, we will do everything we can do to assist you.

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